Sofia Corporate Communications Experience

February 28, 2013 - March 1, 2013, in Sofia, Bulgaria

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Sofia Corporate Communications Experience

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February 28, 2013 - March 1, 2013, in Sofia, Bulgaria

About the Event

Welcome to Bulgaria's first ever global event focusing on the latest trends in PR and communications. Get your ticket today to master the latest trends in crisis communications, social media, reputation management and employee engagement.


Thierry Nicolet Schneider Electric

Patrick Jephson Former Chief Of Staff To Princess Diana

Mary Jo Jacobi Former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, Former Assistant US Commerce Secretary for President George H.W. Bush, British Civil Service Commissioner

Donald Steel Former Chief Communications Advisor, BBC

Annemie Ress eBay

Alan Oliver Nationwide

Zoe White Hertz Corporation

Stephen Jolly Cambridge University

Wendy Gold Microsoft International

Colleen Harris Former Press Secretary To Princes Charles, William And Harry


Day One: Sofia Corporate Communications Experience


Registration and Morning Coffee


Chairman’s Opening Remark And Welcome Speech By The President Of BDVO


Opening Keynote Presentation
The Shift In Perception: From Princess Diana’s Death To William And Kate’s Wedding
Colleen Harris
, Official Spokesperson, William And Kate’s Royal Wedding And Former Press Secretary To HRH Princes Charles, William and Harry


Social Media And PR: Using Social Media To Strengthen Your PR Activities
Wendy Gold
, Head Of Digital Communications, Microsoft International


Networking And Refreshment Break


Effectively Managing Reputation Across Digital & Social Media To Build A Positive Online Brand
Stephen Jolly
, External Affairs And Communications Director, Cambridge University


Case Study From Nationwide: Crisis Management In A Social Media World
Alan Oliver, Director External Communications, Nationwide, UK


Lunch For Speakers And Delegates


People And Innovation: Successful Strategies To Boost Your Internal Communications And Employee Engagement
Annemie Ress
, Former Global People And Innovation Director, eBay and Founder, Purple Beach


“Joined Up” Social Media: What Are The Winning Strategies For Effective Internal Collaboration: Hertz Case Study
Zoë White
, Director, Global HR Communications and International Public Relations, The Hertz Corporation, UK


Networking And Refreshment Break


PR Measurement At Schneider Electric: Boosting Sales Through PR
Thierry Nicolet,
Global VP Press Relations, Schneider Electric, France


Closing Keynote: The 5 Skills Of The Communications Professional 3.0
Andre Manning,
Director, External Communications, Philips


End Of Day One
Day Two: Sofia Corporate Communications Experience


Morning Coffee


Opening Keynote Presentation
Sharing In 40 Minutes What I Learned In Nearly 40 Years In Reputation Management
Mary Jo Jacobi, Consultant, Corporate Director and TV commentator,

Former Presidential Advisor And Corporate Chief Reputation Manager, BP America, Royal Dutch Shell, Lehman Brothers, HSBC Holdings


The Importance Of Reputation Management For CEOs And Senior Managers

Patrick Jephson, Former Private Secretary, Princes Diana And Author, Shadows Of A Princess, UK


Networking And Refreshment Break


Crisis Simulation Workshop
In this fully interactive one day workshop , Donald Steel explains the 10 fundamental rules of crisis communications and the important of the "Golden Hour".

This is followed by a fully interactive workshop in which delegates are invited to work in teams to handle a challenging and rapidly developing crisis.
No experience of crisis communications is needed for this demanding but enjoyable session!- Learn the 10 fundamental rules of crisis communications

- How to avoid the pitfalls
- Learn how your organisation can prepare itself for a crisis
- The vital importance of "The Golden Hour" in securing your organisation's reputation in a crisis
- The dangers and opportunities created by social media

Led By:
Donald Steel, Former Chief Communications Advisor, BBC And World’s Most Renowned Crisis Expert, UK


End Of Conference

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